
Have you tried turning it off and on again? It’s usually the first action required to resolve technical issues. Sleep is our bodies way of restoring and replenishing itself, seems easy enough but an anxious spirit and restless mind can hinder a good night’s sleep. The effects of the last few years are enough to alter anyone’s mental health, but for those with previous conditions such as depression and anxiety, the effects could be even more detrimental. We’ve heard a lot of bad news, and right now, we just need hope.

Mental exhaustion is different for everyone, the main symptoms include, lack of energy, sleep disturbances, change in eating habits, social habits, brain fog and memory loss. Your body’s response to mental exhaustion can feel like anxiety, depression, you may begin to experience panic attacks and irritability. Reset your mind by taking steps towards feeling safe again, switch from the fight-or-flight response.

Begin with your environment, create a safe space to go to when your thoughts begin to spiral. Then, create an action plan like journaling your emotions, praying, and reading. Avoid reaching for your phone or turning on the television. Slowly begin to add in exercise, healthy recipes and a walk with a friend, give yourself permission to take it slow.

It’s important to know you are not alone, while our experiences may differ, our boats are in the same waters. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others. Healing starts with one step.

Why Yoga?

Aside from the physical benefits that yoga provides, did you also know yoga improves vitality and energy?

In fact, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, yoga supports mental health, mindfulness, healthy eating, weight loss and quality sleep, further studies conclude yoga also aids post- surgical healing and treatment.

Yoga, helped heal my body after two major car accidents and a 2020 spinal cord injury that left me nearly paralyzed.

The breathing techniques practiced during yoga class helps promote increased lung capacity, stress management and anxiety relief. Helping to slow down your heart rate and bring awareness to where you may be holding your breath.

Yoga is a discipline, but yoga isn’t just about the physical asanas (postures) yoga is much deeper.

You will become more aware of what you eat, drink, who you surround yourself with, the energy around you, how you treat others and the planet.

Start your journey today.

Quieting the Mind

Citta vritti is a term that refers to the thoughts that clutter the mind. The name comes from the Sanskrit, citta, meaning “consciousness” or “memory,” and vritti, meaning “waves.” It can be translated in English to mean “mind chatter,” and is sometimes called “monkey mind.”

Meditation helps support habit changes, reduce stress and improve one’s quality of sleep.

Meditation improves brain health by reducing memory loss, increasing concentration and attention span, enhancing mental health and increase your focus.

In fact, it is said that just 10-minutes of meditation a day has been linked to better performance and productivity.

The reason meditation is so powerful is that it shifts your awareness. Negative thoughts can cause a tremendous amount of agony causing chronic stress in the body. Meditation, focuses on calming the mind and regulating emotion.

Begin your day with a few minutes of stillness. Find a comfortable position, close your eyes and bring awareness to your breath.

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